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The Top 5 Backend Technologies in 2022

Backend technologies are essential to developing a software product. The good news is that software developers have a huge number of options when it comes to picking a technology to build a website or mobile application.

However, all the top backend technologies serve the same purpose, they are different in terms of their learning curves, the features and capabilities they provide, and costs. So, it is critical to select the right backend technologies that are aligned with your business goals and can ensure faster time-to-market.

This blog will share the top 5 backend technologies to help you navigate around the development challenges and make an informed decision.

Here is an overview of the top backend technologies:

Programming Language

Famous Apps




Candy Crush

















Ruby on Rails








Cake PHP



NASA WorldWind







1.  PHP: 78.1% Websites Use PHP as a Server-side Language 

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor and is one of the top backend technologies used to create highly-engaging web applications. Many PHP developers recommend using PHP with MySQL and Linux Apache for a seamless and accelerated development process. And though it’s easy to learn PHP, the world’s most seasoned professionals use PHP to build and maintain high-quality software products. 

Even one of the most popular content management systems, WordPress, is written in PHP. Other globally renowned names using PHP include Facebook, Flickr, Slack, Etsy, and Wikipedia. 

2.  Python 

Python enables backend engineers to create next-generation software products. Created by a Dutch programmer in 1991, Python is famous for its clear and easy-to-understand syntax, and extensive libraries. Moreover, the easy availability of numerous open-source frameworks also makes it one of the top backend technologies to create user-friendly applications faster and better. 

Some of the most well-known organizations that have extensively used Python programming language are Google, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, NASA, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, and Lyft. 

3. JavaScript

JavaSript is heavily used by enterprises to build safe, secure, and scalable web and mobile applications. 

With the assistance of Node.js and Express.js (backend framework used by the Node.js platform), backend engineers can leverage JavaScript to produce a software’s frontend as well as backend coding. And since the programming language can be used for both frontend and backend development, using JavaScript simplifies and accelerates software development and also leads to a reduction in the development cost. It’s also powered by a thriving global community that keeps enriching it. 

Nearly every successful large company that needs to scale massively uses Java. Airbnb has its backend written in Java. Google Web Toolkit and Gmail contain Java code. Other famous examples include Delivery Hero, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Bitpanda, Glovo, eBay, Revolut, N26, Square, Canva, and BlaBlaCar.

4. Ruby

Ruby is another leading backend scripting language that is widely used by the software developers to create web applications. Created in 1990s by a Japanese computer scientist, Ruby is also preferred for prototyping and takes significantly lesser time in coding and thus accelerates software development lifecycle.

A large number of tech giants, such as Airbnb and Etsy, leverage Ruby as their backend technology.

5. Kotlin 

Introduced in 2011, Kotlin is rapidly emerging as one of the top backend technologies to build powerful and scalable Android applications. It’s popularity is growing at a breakneck speed; almost 60% backend engineers use Kotlin in Android application development. In fact, it’s even taking over Java as a programming language for developing applications for Android devices.

Final Thoughts 

The backend of a software product is never visible to the end-users. However, it is an integral part of any software product; if you do not choose the right tech stack, your product is likely to not perform at its best and provide a seamless experience to the customers. You can choose from any of the top backend technologies shared in this blog; however, it’s recommended to team up with a reliable frontend and backend development company.


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